Steve Interviewed on ‘The Conscious Perspective’ Podcast

I recently appeared on Gary Haskin’s ‘The Conscious Perspective’ podcast. We talked about meditation, multi-hour sits, ancient aliens, and multi-dimensional entities! 

From Gary’s show notes:

Guru Viking is a meditation teacher, Youtuber and host of the Guru Viking podcast. He’s talked to some really interesting and introspective people on his show so I highly encourage everyone to check it out.

00:00 Intro/Who is Guru Viking?
02:52 Long-sit meditation
09:26 Various forms of meditation
13:56 What are we all searching for?
21:14 What are Gary’s influences?
25:49 Curiosity leads the way
28:54 How did Gary get here?
34:54 Gary and Steve’s practice
45:03 Only practice what you enjoy
51:01 The Conscious Perspective 
53:39 The Gaskins Manifesto
56:14 Gary’s life
1:01:03 Inter-dimensional Entities
1:15:15 Our extraterrestrial DNA
1:20:34 Conclusion


Ep72: Tantra, Neuroscience, & True Enlightenment - Shinzen Young & Chelsey Fasano


Ep71: Karmamudra - Dr Nida Chenagtsang